So, which dog makes a better pet, a female dog or a male? The answer to this question solely depends on what you're actually looking for. If you care about the personality and character of a dog more than anything else then the gender shouldn't make a difference. Basically your final decision will be based mainly on how the puppy reacts towards you and your family and friends when you are looking at the litter.
On another level, if you want to find out whether a male dog or a female dog would actually make an overall better pet, then you'll have to take in other factors. For example, the dog’s size, temperament, level of care, etc.
How to Choose A Male Dog
Male dogs are kind of more difficult to take care than female pets. For example, they are quite good at performing a disappearing act when they are close to a female dog in heat. This can be quite dangerous to the dog as well as create issues for you. Many male dogs have been hurt or even killed when escaping their homes to search for a female dog in heat. From moving cars, buses, trucks and fights with other male dogs - it makes sense to also have male dogs fixed.
Another thing to keep in mind, male dogs are also very territorial over their property, including any of his “stuff” inside the home, his bathroom area, or even a female dog. Dogs tend to get very aggressive when he thinks that his property is being taken over by another dog. A dog is more than willing to fight to defend it.
Male dogs also display territorial urination by lifting its leg up as high as possible while urinating. This leg-lifting behavior is not a problem unless it occurs inside the house.
On the flip side, male dogs have huge amounts of energy and a lot of fun to play with. They are more active and have better stamina than female dogs. This is more than likely the reason why male dogs are normally chosen for jobs in law enforcement.
How to Choose A Female Dog
It is a fact that female dogs are relatively smaller in size and warmer in personality. There are, however, some male dogs that are just as loving as female dogs. Many dog trainers and breeders recommend a female puppy to homes with small kids. Some experts actually believe that there is some type of maternal instinct that exists within female dogs—a quality that makes them good-natured and ideal for a household with kids.
Never allow feminine problems such as heat cycles and bleeding steer you away from getting a female puppy. If you are concerned that she will bleed all over your home when that time comes - consider getting your dog spayed - which is the best thing to do anyway. Once your dog is spayed, I guarantee that she will not bleed a single drop of blood …And with regards to female behavior, dogs can be just as tough as male dogs, sometimes even more tough.